A New Book … July 2020

I’m pleased to announce that my new book will be published in July 2020 titled:
Your life depends on how you think and what you believe. Discover these and free yourself from emotional conditioning.
Do you find that you are stuck in a situation that you do not want? Does life seem to lead you in a direction that is not bringing you closer to reaching your goals? Are there obstacles in your way that keep you from achieving what you desire?
What if I told you that your progress in life is not determined by people, circumstances, or how much money you have. Achieving your goals, dreams, ambitions, and desires, depend entirely on YOU — how you think and what you believe!
Some of these thoughts are in your subconscious mind, so you may not know that you have them. This means that you need to discover the thoughts and beliefs that hold you back, change them, and only then will you be free to design and create the life of your dreams.
This book shows you how to:
• Discover what holds you back
• Stop believing what you tell yourself
• Remove unwanted thoughts and beliefs
• Break free from past conditioning
• Get out of your head and into your heart
• Take control of your life and start anew
• Design and create a new life the way you want it
• Move forward to a productive and successful life
FREE YOURSELF is a practical book, filled with exercises, to mobilize your subconscious mind, so that you can live a life of contentment and joy.